Managed Print - Supply & Consumable Submission
We just need some basic information in order to process supplies orders for Managed Print contracts. Contact information is essential if there are any problems or discrepancies so provide as much of this as you can. This form allows the entry of multiple supplies for any given machine on contract with us. Enter a model name, then serial number (a least the last 4 digits) then the 1, 2 or 3 meter readings associated with that particular machine. Enter each supply item that you require by entering a description and/or the part number followed by the quantity that you would like. Finally, there is a comment section at the end where you can tell us anything else that you feel we may need to know to complete the order..
Submit Managed Print Supplies Request Page - Pubpagbyrpg Org
11/07/21 Revision 03/21/22 Rev A
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